October 23, 2020

What I Hid From My Husband…

Are you hiding something from your husband...

Where do you get the strength to change...

to pull through...

and then to keep going...

especially when no one supports you...

no one supports the change you want to make...

even if it's the right thing to do...

the healthy & truthful thing to do...

people will tell you...

"you don't have to...it seems hard...it's not your fault..."

and BIGGEST LIE of them all...

"You're fine the way you are...."

if something is wrong then you are NOT fine just the way you are....

and this "wrong" can look differently...

it's misalignment with your thoughts...

with your actions...

with your self-talk

(which can make or break you like a cheap toy...)

so what was I hiding that I was too ashamed...

and assumed my husband was embarrassed about...

click below to listen to Episode 1 to find out....

Can you relate?? 

Click below on the picture to find out now...

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