December 27, 2020

Dietitian hack on how to lose weight…

I interviewed an excellent dietitian on the Catholic KettleBELLES podcast and learned some surprising things I think you would like to know too...

did you know the food pyramid you learned in school is long gone?

what’s the deal with fiber?

What helps prevent colon cancer...

What gives you healthy bacteria in your gut + helps lower cholesterol...

Answer to the questions above....

f i b e r.

And here's the dietitian hack you can use for how to lose weight... 

Fill up half your plate with vegetables...


It will make you feel FULLER...

which will...

prevent you from over-eating/junk food!

Junk food, junk drinks...the overwhelming majority source of unhealthy pounds...

it's what sabotages your weight loss efforts!

So a trick to help you - not only reduce cholesterol AND increase colon health...

but also keep you from over-eating and from reaching for the junk food because you are already full...

is to fill up on FIBER...fill up half your plate with it. 

To hear more things that can help you be healthy + strong (and lean)...

listen to the full podcast episode...


hear what Priscilla wishes women here to listen to the full interview now...
