- in Lifestyle by Bryanna G.
Fasting: Day 1
It’s Fasting: Day 1. If you recall one of my early blog posts from January, my “word” for this year is “Next Level.”
I’ve been telling myself I need to step up my health to MY next level (yours is likely to be different from mine, and that’s how it should be. I encourage you to think about what could be YOUR “next level.”).
All summer I thought about reducing my coffee/caffeine intake. I drink coffee every day. Every.
Day. I love it! Well, all summer came and went…(does this sound like you, too, sometimes? All the time?). And I thought about adding a 3rd day of exercise to my only 2-day-a-week-kettlebell-only exercise lifestyle (less than an hour a week of exercising WITH visual results? Uh, yeah! Yes, please!
Well, I haven’t added that 3rd day yet…I might have to do it during my lunch period at work…or maybe I’ll get up extra early on Saturdays before the kids get up (which is 6:30/7am) and swing kettlebells at home (yeah, I was honest with myself and said “nah” I don’t have that honest desire right now.)
So when my husband said want to do a big period of fasting (he’s been doing intermittent fasting for years, before it got cool)
I without hesitation said “yes!” But we have to start tomorrow. He said okay. So Fasting Day: 1 here I come!
I’m pretty confident I can do this 48-hr fast. I mean, on the weekends (when I don’t work) sometimes I don’t get to eat anything until 9am or even 10:30am even though I’ve been up since 6:30 or 7am because I’ve got small kids and on some days their “needs” are pretty back to back. Know what I’m saying, mommies?
So, Fasting: Day 1, I’ve got you.
Did I mention during the work week I usually don’t eat dinner until 8 or 9pm? I have lunch at work usually between 11am-12pm, give or take. It depends on the day but that’s usually when I get to eat. So, by noon, I’ve got some food in me. But then I don’t eat dinner until 8 or 9pm!
That’s a long stretch without eating. I drink water all day. If I take snacks to work I usually eat those around 10am, just before lunch. I have breakfast at 6am (yes, I always eat breakfast! Sometimes it’s a shake if I’m short on time, but it’s usually 2 eggs with spinach + water + coffee).
So, I eat at 6am, 10am, 11:30am, and then not until 8/9pm.
Fasting: Day 1, I think I can do this. I typically go long stretches without eating from afternoon – evening.
Why? Because my daughter has way too much homework for a 2nd grader (okay Truth: too much homework for a working mom who’s alone with the kids every evening). It’s too much homework + dinner + my toy is giving me issues + bath time + I lost the tv remote again + Kid’s Netflix isn’t working + more homework FOR ME! But that’s a different topic for a different post.
Back to Fasting: Day 1…
I am a busy mom with God on my side. Let’s see what this little lady’s body can do, let’s take this to the next level, Fasting Day: 1!
I’ll see you, Fasting: Day 2, mañana!
NOT READY for fasting? Then download my free, delicious, time-saving recipes that helped me lose over 29 lbs fast without missing a single meal!