March 22, 2018

What’s the Point?

The Swing

Ever feel like it's too much compromise, too much trouble for you to change your daily routine to eat better & make it to the gym? With all of the juggling working moms have to do, ever just think what's the point?

There was a time when I thought I've got too much to do at home and little time to do it. Everything a stay-at-home mom does during the day I have to do it cram it in after a full-time job on top of giving kids attention, food, baths & help with homework, and please don't mention a stupid wonderful project that requires me going to the store on a weekday!

This was enough to make my head explode! When I added "cook" and "exercise" to that laundry list (freaking gosh dang it I forgot about stupid laundry!) I would sometimes think "what's the point?" I mean, how bad could it be if I don't exercise?

And here's the thing...I was already cooking all of our family meals! But I was doing it all wrong...I wasn't baking meat in bulk, I wasn't using crock pots, I was pretty much cooking every evening after work, making enough for 2 meals: that evening's dinner and the next day's lunch so I could take homemade stuff to work. 

Two problems with that: 1. My husband eats like a horse so sometimes he would eat what I was planning on taking for lunch (I didn't have the heart to tell him, so I let him eat as much as he wanted); 2. I would sometimes, okay, a lot of times, I thought screw it I'm tired of being in this kitchen on my feet! what's the point?! and I would eat Subway for lunch the next day...and fill out the online survey to get a free chocolate chip cookie on my next visit! but I wasn't the only one, this became our habit at work, me and the ladies in my corner. I probably got the most cookies...The people working at Subway even knew us and that we were showing up with free cookie codes! It was good times...

But do you know what WASN'T good times? Not being able to fit into my pants! Looking like I was pregnant in regular clothes even though my baby was 9 months old! And GAINING fat after my pregnancy! So what's the point? The point is, we all need our health, or have it be the best that it can be! If aren't healthy enough, we are less useful. A poor state of physical health can also impact the health of your mind and soul if you are not careful, and your soul is the most important thing! More important than your physical body!

By making small changes, no matter how "small" you think it might be, it will make a BIG difference if you stay consistent! And through consistency - not perfect execution - your consistent efforts will become habit. When you realize you've got that habit on lock, you won't want to go back to your old ways. You'll even be motivated to take on another change for the better. So when you think to yourself, "what's the point? why am I killing myself?" Just focus on one small thing. Pick a day of the week, and implement your change on that same day. You want to do more bonus days? Fine, but you must always do it on the designated day you said you would, regardless if you just implemented it the day before because that is how you practice consistency. The pic above is me doing kettlebell swings on my designated exercise day. With those exercise days I am consistent. I can't even believe that's me in the picture! I wouldn't have been able to wear that top a year ago... Consistency is everything!

You've got this!

<3      <3      <3
