November 22, 2017

Chips & Salsa

good snack foods

I LOVE chips & salsa! I eat it every day! True story! At least, I used to eat it every day! 

Some people make themselves a drink after working all day...not this little lady...I ate chips & salsa as I COOKED a HEALTHY dinner for me & my family! Ja ja! (that's Spanish for "ha ha")

Now we all know that THAT just doesn't make sense in the long run (especially if your goal involves losing fat & keeping it off).

So what's a salsa-lover to do?! 

Give it up???

NO!!! (ja ja ja!!)

If the thought of ditching your chips & salsa strikes fear in your heart, you are not alone! For those of us that live in South Texas, chips & salsa are a way of life! They are the party, the after-work wind-down, the ice breaker, the restaurant appetizer! It's even the official state snack of Texas! (another true story)

Well, here is my tip: replace that chip with carrots! 

And keep the salsa! 

If you can't break off the chips "cold turkey," then remember my strategies:

No pressure, no stress - just progress!

Have your salsa, carrots, chips and EAT them all, too! For every 1-2 chips you eat, have a salsa-dipped carrot! 

Do this until your chip:carrot ratio is 1:1. Then, start having 1-2 carrots before eating one chip. Over time, fade out the chips. How quickly you fade them out is up to you!

After you have faded out the chips, you can start cutting down on the amount of salsa you eat


start making your own salsa at home (which will be WAY less in sugar, calories, fat & processed crap that we find in the big-brand salsas).

ENJOY! Que comienza la fiesta!

<3   <3   <3
