August 13, 2017

I Went Out!

I did it! I got a babysitter and the hubby and I met up with friends to celebrate another friend's birthday! Aaaand...I was celebrating that I lost 12" worth of body fat in 28 days 🙂

However, I only lasted a few hours...but hey, that's all I needed...I don't need to go nightlife hopping until 2am...not when your kids get up at 6:30am on the weekends! ja ja! (that's "ha ha" in Spanish 😉

Here's a pic of the drink I actually had, 

well, okay...I had 2 of them! It's called a Blue Ribbon!

In my head I thought "I'm a blue ribbon bunny, baby!" 

(Sofia The First, anyone?)

<3     <3     <3
