July 4, 2018

Kettlebells on Vacation

KB and Wine clinks

Swings & Clicks, baby!

I'm on vacation with my family and yes, I brought my kettlebells! Pictured: 12kg

Why did I bring it? Kettlebells on vacation?

I'm going to pretend I was crazy-energized to answer with a "YES!! OF COURSE!!"

My logic for taking kettlebells on vacation was just that: logical. I thought, well, I can't go 10 days without doing a single exercise. Being on vacation Saturday - Wednesday means I would miss my only two workout days (Monday & Wednesday) for the week. I've already got plans for Thursday (prayer group), Friday (family night), and Saturday (evening birthday party). Those "plans" really aren't reasons, since my exercise takes so little time, I just plain don't want something else to do on those days! I've got plans, remember? 

The Solution?

Take the kettlebells on vacation!

The beauty of the kettlebell is its simplicity, no-BS efficiency. Look at how big it is compared to my wine glass. It's not that big. I brought it in my car. Every now and then, I would do 10, one-handed swings using my right hand and then switch over to the left hand. That was one set. It's less than 30 seconds. Then I'd walk away and sit with my 3 cousins and our 7 kids. Hang out, talk, make jokes, make food, catch up on how school / extra-curriculars went for our kids, etc.

Then at some point I'd leave the group and go into the next room (yes, indoors) and do another set of swings: 10 on the right, 10 on the left. That was it. Re-join the familia.

I did that periodically, without using a timer or a clock to tell me when to do the next round. I did that for 10 rounds total throughout the day = 200 swings total, 100 for each arm.  

Ab & whole body workout at an easy breezy pace.

Exercising while on vacation doesn't have to be complicated. It doesn't have to require a gym and it doesn't have to require ditching the family and fun for long periods of time (that's the beauty of kettlebells!). I could have done the above in just 10 minutes, one round and then when the clock changes to the next minute go again. I just didn't feel like doing it that way on that particular day...

but last night I did a round of swings every 5 minutes while watching the latest Master Chef episode with my family. Swings in the living room! Minimal space required, which makes it easy to take kettlebells on vacation.

So why is there a wine glass in the picture? 

It's not just there for comparison, 

I was having a little drinky-drink with the rest of my cousins, which is probably why I didn't feel like doing all 10 sets in 10 quick minutes 😉

HAPPY 4th of JULY!

Here's to kettlebells on vacation, and 

