June 15, 2019

Perfection Is Not Required…

You don’t have to do a million kettlebell swings,
You only have to try;
You don’t have to do 10 chin-ups,
You only have to try;
You don’t have to run for miles,
You only have to try;
You don’t have to exercise 5x/week,
You only have to try;
You don’t have to cook every single meal,
You only have to try;
You don’t have to look like a super model to be a strong & healthy, loving mom.
You only have to try, 
to do what you can do consistently, 
be patient with yourself, 
love yourself where you’re at!

As a busy mom,

you will NOT be able to show up 100% of the time to everything...

(kid's school, working overtime, your friend's kid's birthday parties, the gym, eating fresh homemade food for every meal, etc.)

and that is...


It's okay, mommy!

WHY is it that okay?

Because life still happens! And it's not your fault!

Some interruptions truly cannot be helped and sometimes something will actually be more important than that day's workout...


those exceptions are very rare!

I'm talking YOU are graduating from something, YOU are giving birth, or there was an actual emergency that you had to help with...

pretty much everything else is a an excuse that doesn't qualify as a reason: Taco Tuesday, friend's birthdays, co-workers birthdays, celebrating someone else's promotion, celebrating your new job, I don't feel like it, I'm sore, etc...

Back to my point...

I've always wanted to do a pull-up 

(to me they used to be interchangeable, but they are actually 2 different things)...

So to work towards it, you start out hanging (picture above).

I would hang and hang...

Every now and then....

Then my coach had me working towards it, and I was getting really, REALLY close...

Then one day....

I was pregnant!

Over the next two weeks I was dropping further and further away from the bar by several inches at a time...

I was actually surprised by how quickly my massive strength progress was being

drowned out by the extra weight of the fluids, etc. that goes on in your body as it prepares to support the life that has already started in your womb.

That was the last time I actually worked on my pull-up/chin-up.

That was 3 years ago.

In those 3 years I had my massive 28-lb weight loss (and counting) thanks to my kettlebell training and consistency with the 7 secrets of the busy working mom,

but I hadn't even attempted a chin-up (which is supposed to be easier than a pull-up because it uses a different set of muscles).

So, I've been consistent with my kettlebell workouts for a while and I decided "I want to work on my chin-up" because I had gotten so close so long ago...

I went up to the bar,

and contemplated asking someone to take video of me so I could later see how far away I was from the bar,

that way I could start tracking my efforts,


I knew I was pretty much going to be super far away from the bar that I decided it wasn't even worth asking someone to record my attempt. It was going to be pretty pitiful...

So, I go up to the bar and grab it for a chin-up (where the palms of your hands face you, going underneath the bar to grab it)

And my little arms pulled me up to the bar!

My chin was over the bar!

I did it!

So...being consistent with my exercise plan from my coach made me stronger (and of course healthier, inside and out)...

So strong that I didn't even realize how strong I had become! I knew I had been fitting better in my clothes (which is always my goal!) but I was actually stronger than I realized 🙂

The Moral of the Story Is...

1. Be Consistent

2. Never give up on yourself!

You are stronger than you think! If you don't have a coach and need help feeling better in your clothes, looking better in your clothes and being healthier & stronger, you can start now by downloading my free recipes and doing the free 5-day Kickstart where I'm your coach 🙂
